
Ladies and Gentlemen, azi va ofer savoarea deosebita a gandurilor lui George Bernard Shaw cu privire la medicina, vaccinare & Co. Enjoy!
"As well consult a butcher on the value of vegetarianism as a doctor on the worth of vaccination."
"You let a doctor take a dainty, helpless baby, and put that stuff from a cow, which has been scratched and had dirt rubbed into her wound, into that child. Even the Jennerians now admit that infant vaccination spreads disease among children. More mites die from vaccination than from the disease they are supposed to be inoculated against."
"During the last considerable epidemic at the turn of the century, I was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council, and I learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the revaccinated cases (of smallpox) as pustular eczema, varioloid or what not---except smallpox."
"Every doctor will allow a colleague to decimate a whole countryside sooner than violate the bond of professional etiquette by giving him away."
"We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession."
On August 9, 1944, the Irish Times published a letter from Mr. Shaw in which he "added a few words" to a very appreciative account of him that had appeared in that paper. Dealing with some of his alleged eccentricities, Mr. Shaw protested that there is nothing eccentric in his objection to the dangerous and grossly unscientific operation called vaccination. He wrote:
"Within my long lifetime, its ruthless enforcement throughout Europe ended in two of the worst epidemics of smallpox in record, our former more dreaded typhus and cholera epidemics having meanwhile been ended by sanitation. After that failure, the credit of vaccination was saved for a while by the introduction of isolation, which at once produced improved figures. At present, intelligent people do not have their children vaccinated, nor does the law now compel them to. The result is not, as the Jennerians prophesied, the extermination of the human race by smallpox; on the contrary more people are now killed by vaccination than by smallpox.
Yet the British Government, against the law, has just made vaccination compulsory in the Army by explicitly refusing to discipline an officer who has had an objector forcibly vaccinated; and the House of Commons received the news with cheers. Why does this exploded superstition persist? Simply because our education is not controversial, which means that as it is a hundred years out of date on all open questions, reforms have to come from the uneducated who suffer from the facts and know nothing of the books. .
Si... finally... preferata mea (o traduc din germana, caci nu am gasit citatul original in engleza):
Baiat tare destept si progresist in gandire George Bernard Shaw asta... Tot el a zis inca o chestie desteapta: "all great truths begin as blasphemies".
LA MULTI ANI cu drag pentru aricelul Tudor si pentru Patricia Maya. Le dorim din suflet multa sanatate, noroc, bucurii, dragoste si fericire fara sfarsit, o viata plina de realizari si visuri implinite!
Minunea cu somnul lui David in patul de vacanta n-a durat decat 2 nopti jumate... Azi-noapte, cine era treaz cuc la ora 1:30, pus in genunchi, si zgarma cu unghiile in plasa patutului? Dumnealui, evident... L-am luat langa mine, am apucat sa atipesc putin, cand ma trezesc in plansetele lui: se foise pana ramasese prins intre patul mare si plasa patutului de vacanta, nu mai putea sa iasa ;-) L-am scos de acolo, l-am asezat pe-o parte, cum ii place lui, el a adormit, iar eu m-am mai trezit de vreo 4 ori pana dimineata, am dormit tare prost. Si numai bine ce scrisesem ieri pe blog despre pedofili si abuzatori, am si avut azi-noapte 2 vise pregnante: in primul eram la o masa, cu mai multe rude (inclusiv mama) si cineva ma certase, iar eu incercam sa ma justific de ce ii spusesem unchiului Costel ca ar face cariera in politica, din cauza ca e bun orator... In al doilea vis eram cu o prietena pe Colentina, mergand la un bal mascat, iar alaturi de noi era Laurentiu, un mai vechi cunoscut al meu, deghizat in ... Michael Jackson (alt pedofil necondamnat).
Gata, Bogdan a intrat in partea a doua a concediului de tatic, 4 saptamani de "huzureala" (vorba vine, ca mie acum daca m-as duce la munca mi s-ar parea ca o vacanta in Caraibe ;-)).
Azi la pranz am fost la colega mea, Marion, sa luam scaunul de masina Römer King (ea are 2 fetite gemene de 3 ani si jumatate, Annalena si Johanna, carora le-au ramas mici scaunele). Marion ne-a rasfatat cu o lasagna meseriasa, iar fetitele l-au zapacit de cap pe "bebe", ii tot dadeau jucarii, se fataiau in jurul lui, erau topite dupa el... Au vrut sa-l ia in brate, sa-i dea ele de mancare ;-)) Le-am fotografiat cu David in draci (ele voiau sa fie si in poza, dar sa stea si langa mine, sa vada ce vedeam eu pe mini-monitorul aparatului, au fost mortale ;-)). Ne-am simtit tare bine. La intoarcere, David a dormit o ora jumate in masina ca un mic bolovan, atatea impresii noi se cereau prelucrate ;-)
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